news & publications

Jun 1, 2020

The Little Economic Engine That Could: Fueling Success at Community Colleges
By Tony Mayer

For almost 12 million students, America’s 1,050 community colleges promise an education with three results any degree should provide: marketable skills, a connection to employment, and the ability to be fairly compensated for that employment. The returns on a small sum invested are immeasurable. Indeed, community colleges are emerging as an attractive philanthropic investment for donors interested in clearing pathways to work for vulnerable populations.

May 1, 2019

A New Frame of Mind
By Anna Bobb

This guide profiles seven philanthropic foundations that are solving problems in mental health and substance abuse today. For each foundation, there is a description of its approach, some of its most influential initiatives, and how its efforts fit into the broader mental-health landscape. Most of these subjects have a local focus, and a long view on bringing improvements to their communities. One—the Well Being Trust—was created in 2016 to promote mental health across the nation.



